
30 weeks today...

KelliAnne hit her 30 week gestation today. That is adjusted given she is not in utero but nonetheless, she is there. We also had good news getting into the hospital earlier today . Her billirubin level was low enough to take her off the lights. I am sure you noticed in the pictures a blue light on her. That business is done, as long as she keeps pooping. Apparently that is how she expels the billirubin. The other good news is that she has gained some weight and she is actually back above her birth weight. She is still in the 2 lb 4 oz range, but all the way up to 1030 grams. She was born at 1010 grams. She has gained over 2 oz in the last two days. That is because she has handled her milk well allowing the doctors to increase her feedings. She is all the way up to 7 mL of milk every three hours and she has steadily increased every 12 hours. She could be close to a full oz in the next couple weeks at this rate which should help add to her daily calorie intake.

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