
May 15, 2012

Fast forward a few weeks....  Robin was on bed rest for about 3 weeks and had a very calm go of it.  I was able to work from home as much as needed to help her out and make sure Mom was not up and moving around more than necessary.  My job was awesome at letting me work virtual and my team, boss, and other supervisors really picked me up during this time.

On Tues, May 15 Robin was scheduled for a routine visit (she now had weekly check ups on the baby due to the bed rest) to check on the baby's heart rate, growth, amount of fluid etc...  Luckily we showed up to this appointment about 30 minutes early as we were already in the building for another doctor appt.  By strange luck, the ultrasound tech decided to go ahead and get our imaging started and forego her lunch break.  This may have been the biggest sign that God was looking out for us as things were not so great, and every minute counted to help out KelliAnne.

Robin had virtually no amniotic fluid left, but she had also not felt her water break.  The tech also noticed the baby was really not moving that much.  Her heart rate was fine, but the tech immediately contacted a doctor who had us rush over to labor and delivery.  Over at L&D, they let us know that Robin's water had broken, and she was experiencing mild contractions and had started to 'labor'.  Robin couldn't feel a single contraction, but nonetheless, they immediately started her on Magnesium to help reduce the stress on her uterus, stopping the contractions.  They also informed us that they needed to get Robin stable enough to transport by ambulance to Saint Lukes on the Plaza as she was likely going to deliver the baby very soon.

This did not cause panic for us because the doctor took her time to explain why/how things would end up better for the baby (still unknown gender at this time), but she also shared some risks and things to expect with a 28 week baby.  About an hour later, Robin was on an ambulance on her way to Saint Lukes on the Plaza.  I met her there....  Luckily my parents had arrived in time to drive me down there as I was not in great condition.

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