
In the beginning...

Let's have a start from the beginning... before KelliAnne joined us in the real world.  Robin had some complications during her pregnancy that caused her to be on bed rest starting in late April.  Bed rest stemmed from a trip to the hospital while we were on a 'Babymoon' at Table Rock Lake.  We spent four days at Cox South in Springfield and that is when the good care of KelliAnne by professionals (on top of her mama) began.  The nurses and doctors in their Perinatal Care Unit were outstanding.  Even when there were nothing but question marks as to what was going on, they made us feel comfortable and confident in a good outcome.  Unfortunately, they did not have much of an idea about what caused our need to visit their hospital, but when they were confident that Robin and the baby were stable they sent us home with a map and list of every hospital between Springfield and KC.  That was a nerve wracking drive home, but we made it safely.... with tons of flowers that had been sent to Robin while in the hospital (thank you to all who sent us flowers and gifts).  Also, a thank you to everyone that thought and prayed for us during the 'scare' we had back in April.

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