
Other Good Stuff going on

- She is actually getting her car seat test tonight - to leave the hospital the baby must be able to sit in their car seat for 90 minutes without experiencing any bradycardia or oxygen desats.  She gets put to the test at 11PM tonight.  "Why is she taking that test?", you may ask yourself. It is because she is nearing the end my friends. 
- feeding 3 times a day orally.  She will need to be more consistent with oral feedings and demonstrate she is trending towards 8 full feedings orally, while still gaining weight. We will see what she is capable of this weekend when mom can be there for more feedings.
- they have weened her off of the extra calorie supplement added to her tube feedings, and removed the extra protein as well.
- Oh yea, she is no longer in an incubator.  She is in a regular crib now and doing pretty well with the temp control.  If they could figure out how to regulate the temp in that room, she would do even better.  I am pretty sure when Robin and I are cold sitting there, that the AC is a little strong.  They claim it is a solid 74 degrees at all times.  Just strange that our cold skin seems to be in sync with when she fails her temperature tests. I'm not saying anything......... I'm just saying.

Now don't jump the gun here folks, we don't have any solid dates, but they have told us to prepare our home for the arrival of a baby sometime soon.    If she does what is required of her over the next few days, they will welcome Robin and I to stay in the hospital for 48 hours and take care of her ourselves in a our own room.  They do this so that we get comfortable with around the clock care, and so we learn to use the monitors she will be going home with.  

Baby's to do list - pass car seat test, eat more, gain more weight, and do the last two at the same time.  Easier said than done, but she has already done more than most babies twice her size, I've seen it.   ;)

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